Get Ready For Changes
As you embark on your 40FRESH journey, you’re going to notice changes in your body and health. Even though you’ve only changed your snacking and drinking habits, you may already be seeing some of the changes we discuss below. Certain changes are to be expected and others may surprise you. Let’s dive into the most common changes so you know what to expect moving forward.
Today’s Checklist
If you’re following along with the 40FRESH Challenge, here’s your homework for today:
Read this post
Continue to drink 40FRESH
Continue to snack 40FRESH
Make a log of changes you’ve felt
Shrinking Waistline
Yup, you can kiss those extra pounds goodbye! If you stick to the 40FRESH diet, you’re all but guaranteed to see a drop in your weight. In a recent study, participants that went on a diet consisting of only 40FRESH foods lost an average of 1 pound per week, whereas those that ate only ultra-processed foods gained 1 pound per week.
Once you’re fully transitioned to a 40FRESH diet, you should start to see similar results. You’ll also notice your eating habits and cravings change. Whereas meals full of ultra-processed foods will likely leave you wanting more shortly after you’ve finished, meals made from 40FRESH ingredients will leave you feeling full and satisfied. Additionally, you’ll probably notice that you don’t have to eat as much to feel full.
Improved Health
Unsurprisingly, as you eat fewer and fewer ultra-processed foods, your risk for all kinds of maladies decreases considerably, including:
- Obesity (study)
- Cancer (study1, study2, study3)
- Type 2 Diabetes (study1, study2)
- Depression (study)
- All Cause Mortality (study)
- Cognitive Decline (study)
In my personal experience, I also feel that I have a hardier immune system and I’m less susceptible to infections. As a runner and rock climber, I’ve also noticed a decline in the amount of inflammation I feel after engaging in those activities. You’ll likely notice some subtle changes to your health in the short term. In the long-term, the benefits are scientifically proven.
Increase and/or Decrease in Energy
Yes, you can expect both! At first, it can be quite a shock to your system when ultra-processed foods are removed from your diet. This is one of the reasons we build our habits incrementally. As you adjust your diet, the bacteria in your gut will adjust, too. While you are going through this transition, you may feel slightly less energetic than normal. Quickly though, you’ll adjust and your energy levels and alertness will be consistently higher throughout the day.
Better Digestion
40FRESH friendly foods are nutrient-dense and generally higher in fiber than their Nope counterparts. You’re likely to see improvements in the regularity and constitution of your bowel movements. While you are in the process of transitioning, you may notice that you become radically more–ahem–unclogged. Don’t worry if that’s the case for you. Your gut simply needs time to adjust to your new diet.
As we noted above, all those nasty 40FRESH Nope foods can contribute to a litany of health problems, including increased depression and anxiety. You should notice that your overall mood and emotional well-being improves as you continue to substitute 40FRESH friendly foods in place of Nope foods.
Remember how we said that ultra-processed foods are as addictive as tobacco? Don’t be surprised if you are having cravings for all those delicious treats on the 40FRESH Nope list. Remember to recite your health mantra every time you make a good health choice and hopefully you’ve made any temptations in your house as inaccessible as possible.
What Changes Have You Observed?
Hopefully you’ve been keeping up with the habit of writing down your health mantra in your food journal to reinforce your new, healthy identity. Today, make sure to crack open your journal and jot down any changes that you’ve observed in yourself so far. We’ll do this periodically over the next few weeks. It will be a good reminder of all the positive transformations you’ve experienced when you get to the end of the challenge!
Up Next...
You’re making wonderful progress! You deserve that big ol’ fat X on the accountability calendar. Go ahead and mark it off.
Starting tomorrow, we’re going to take a look at the breakfast meal. Over the next 10 days, we’ll start to build out a meal plan one day at a time and talk about some strategies for eating 40FRESH when you’re away from home. Keep up the great work with your snacks and drinks!